Thursday, March 28, 2013

Blog 20 data collection transcript

On recorder 1.
In the recorder: I am here with my friend Chichi 5/14/2013. The time is now 3:47. An interview is being conducted and we both agree to be recorded. Real names will be kept confidential.
I began introducing the interview in Spanish.  This I did for warm up purpose for the several present people and for myself. In the room, there was his brother and an uncle. I was not sure if it was a good idea let them be in the room or ask to be left alone.  They very interested on observing the interview though and I thought it was good for the environment to get Chichi to open up.  I am not sure how this played out yet.
Me in the recorder, “So, now, I will speak in English because I will be writing in English therefore I rather do the interview in English since we both speak English”.

Mine. So, thank you Chichi for agreeing to interview with me.  It really is a pleasure to meet with you and thank you ahead of time for doing this for me.
Mine. So, tell me do you have any goals? Or things you would like to do in your future?
C. Well, I….goals
Mine. What are you currently doing?
C. I am doing out of cat. Out of cat, computer computer classes. Goals, I would like to go to college and try to be a detective or if not. I don’t know… I am stucked.
Mine. So, basically you think maybe you would like to be a detective? But, you are not sure because that can change later?
C. Yes, that could change.
At this point, he stopped my recorder.  We spoke again about if to do the interview with the recorder or not.  We agree to use the recorder when I inform him if ok to omit information or not answer a question he doesn’t feel comfortable.
Recording number 2.
Mine. I don’t know if the other recording was kept but will continue from here on.
Please do not touch my recorder gain. Smile.  That is not for you to touch.  That is for your voice to go in there. Kidding but meant it.
Mine. What are you doing to achieve those goals?
C. Well, right now I am not doing anything. My first step is to finish HS after that…I will try to go to college. I have already the contact, a friend of mine she will try to set me up so I can try to go to college for free.  After that, then I going to pick the career that I want to do.
Mine. Ok.  Well, it sounds like you are on the right path. The thing about college is that is ok to in not knowing yet what you are going to major in because you still have time to explore.  So, I do want to encourage you to go to college to get an education.
Mine. What could help reach those goals or what are your obstacles?
I could do whatever I want. There is not obstacle in the way.
Mine No?
C. NO, not at all.  There are people who come way worse situation than I and then make it and if they make it, I can make it too.
Mine. Yes, I like you positivism. I really liked that.
Mine.  You basically feel you can do anything….
C. I feel I can do it.  If I keep repeating that to myself then I will. I just really have to be consistent in my believe in order to make it.
Mine What do you feel proud about?
C. Mostly, I like to read. I like writing poems and I never give up on working on that even when a mishap happens.  I lost my work twice but I continue to write
Mine So, you do have some skills? That is skills.  It is art. (me surprised)
Mine So, you feel most proud about that part of you
Mine On that note, how do you think people see you?

C. I have no idea how people see me and I don’t really mind because I got to see myself for things I think are best for me.  I don’t really mind how people see me. I really mind how my family sees me but people not related to me, I don’t care.
Mine How do you see yourself?
C. I see myself as a good person. I am on the right path I may sometimes be lets say well you know when you get to that question I may get to that question…
Maybe I won’t. Give it to me.
Mine About family related. I may argue with my Mom. Like, I recognize that is the only bad thing I have, besides that, I am good.
Mine Ok.  But, I lot of times that is pretty normal during adolescence years.
Mine You know most adolescents argue with their parents
C. So, if that is not included, then I see myself as a good person.
Mine It is not included but it is included in the sense that everyone seems to go through that phase and it does not seem that you are a bad person.
C. Ok. So the question was…how do I see myself.  I see myself as a normal regular person that want to succeed like everyone else in this world.
Mine Are you ambitious?
C. Yes, pretty ambitious.   Not in a bad way though.
Mine No, in a good way.
Mine What school do you go to?
C. Piscataway Vocational School
Mine Where is that?
Mine In Piscataway
Mine Wait, how come you don’t go to New Brunswick High school?
C. I don’t go to that school, because Piscataway Vocational School trains you for a specific skill and recommend you for a job that pays minimum $15 hourly.
Mine Did you pick that school?  How come you did not go to New Brunswick High School for example?
C. First reason, my Mom did not want me to go there and at first I wanted to go but then I said no.
C.I am not going to go there. I rather go to Piscataway Vocational School because that is the best choice. At that school, I can pick my main career and from there after I am done with school,
I choose Vocational Tech School because it is the best option for me.  I choose three careers.
 Automobile-got excluded because I did not want to wear the attire.
 barber- was for females so I exclude myself.
Culinary Arts. I did not want to do just cleaning and that all I seem to be doing.  So, the teacher also excluded me out.
Computer-last option.
Mine Because my Mom did not want me to go there.
Mine Why
C. Because of the problem, fight, family member problems and I would be getting confused as of my family member.
Mine Ok.
Mine How do people friends see u?
C. They don’t see me as a bad person. I respect them, they respect me
C. I don’t know how they see and I really don’t care.  What I think that I know, I am as best I believe I am.
Mine How do you think she sees you?
C. I know she doesn’t see me as good as I see myself.  That question you need to ask her whenever you have the time. But, I don’t think she sees me as I see myself?
Mine How do you think she sees you?
C.I am not going to answer that because that is something she would have to answer.
Mine. But, you know.. you know. How she sees you. (Here, he ask to pass the question) Said, go on..
Mine Ok.
C.I may know. But, I will not answer.
Mine Ok
Mine What is like living with your Mom?
C.I don’t feel uncomfortable.
Mine Good and Bad
C.Good-she has done a lot for us. Bad-she fights too much. She argues over anything. Besides that she is fine. She is still my Mom though.
Mine Of Course! She is your Mom and you love her no matter what.
Mine But, we cannot deny that at times we do wish it was better such as if she could change a bit.
Mine If there was something, you would change about her, what would it be?
C.I don’t have the power to change because only God can change her but if I did I would make her a person who argues less. Don’t argue and if you do don’t argue as much as you do because this is beyond normal level.
Mine What does she argue about?
C. Little things. Big things. About anything.  For example, she would argue about a dish I did not promptly take to the kitchen after eating.
He said, I am already feeling uncomfortable.
Mine No, is ok. We are almost done.
Mine Can you give me some example of when you got frustrated and the reason.
I don’t get frustrated. I get mad and I scream or yell and raise my voice
Mine If you display anger is that not a sign of frustration?
C. No, I really don’t get frustrated.  I just raise my voice to get her to listen.
I don’t even go out. I am scorpion. I like to be by myself. I am kind of shy so I don’t feel comfortable being among people.
Mine Is Ok not going out?
Yea, I rather stay at home
Mine What do you like to do for fun?
C. I like to go to the park, play catch, play basketball.
Mine It doesn’t have to be out to party.  It can be just leaving the house to the park.
Well, if when I have the resources, the money and the things I like to stay home have a drink
Mine Do you drink?
C. Yea!
Mine Have you gotten drunk?
C. Not drunk not drunk
Mine How many times you have gotten drunk?
C.I don’t know.
Mine A lot! Like five? More,
C. Maybe 10? I don’t know.
Mine How bad have you gotten drunk?
C.Not overdrunk. I can control myself; I know what I am doing. Like I go to the bathroom where I am away from people, I am walking dizzy in the bathroom and when I get out I play it off.  People don’t notice because they are drunk themselves. Not super drunk. I have thrown up in the bathroom but I know how to do things. I play things off.  I know how to do things.  If I know that I am drunk, I would just be with a beer and no one would notice.
Mine What places you have gotten drunk at?
C.I don’t drink that way when I go out.  But, at home yea. At home in the house
Mine Do you have a driver’s license?
C. No, I am working on getting a permit.
Mine What does your mother says about you drinking?
C. She always says don’t be drinking too much.
Mine She yells?
C.Yea, but there she has the right too. Because I know she worries. Is like me.  I be telling her don’t drink too much.  Even I tell her don’t drink too much at times.
Mine Can you give examples or situations of when she got upset at you?
Did not want to provide example of when she got upset at him? (d)
Did not want to provide example of a situation when Mom approached him in a wrong way or upset. (d)
Mine Can you give me one? Declined (d)
C.Can you give her one? (Speaking to his brother).
Mine How would you describe your relationship with your mother?
C.I, I, I don’t know how to describe the relationship.
Mine So, you don’t have any problem right now?
C. Right now right now?
Mine Not right now, you are sitting in front of me.
C. There are issues but there is also love.
C.Well, with her, I don’t have any problems?

Side talk with:
Chichi stated there is disrespect in the household.  Family members name call and plain bad talk. Family members are united during big problems; but afterwards everyone is to themselves.  Says there is love. 

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