Thursday, March 7, 2013

blog 12 short analysis question

Short analysis questions:

I will analyze the teacher comments on a student paper( sample)
As we draft our paper we continuously make improvement on our writing to reach the final product to our satisfaction.  The student's sample draft is a working process so I want to analyze how the teacher comments are helping the students polish his draft.

Some of question I will be investigating are the following:

My central question will be, how are this teacher comments (language usage) effective in helping the student meet audience expectations?

What kind of comments are making the writer rethink his writing?
What kinds comments are more likely to derive the students to alter his writing?
At what instances of the paper is the teacher making comments and why?
What positive language is the teacher using that lets the student know when something is done  right?
What kinds of comments or language usage are intended to improve the writing?
What kind of comments will get the students to meet the teacher expectations?
What comments or feeback will entail the student to alter the writing?
What kinds of comments might be taken as suggestion or other as intentended to get the students to change his approach?

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