Thursday, April 25, 2013

blog 23 what I did in class

In class, I continued to work on three or four chunks of data.  I had separated the datas and started writing about what a particular peace of data revealed to me.  I wrote about what I noticed, my interpretation.  This took me to write in relation to other data because they relate for the overall focus which I am still working on finding out.  I am currently studying the data and then I plan to put everything together.  I am not 100% sure of what I see yet because still not together but I am confident everything will come together.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

blog 22 Analysis so far

Analysis so far.
C-person being interviewed

What role does language create.

Mine On that note, how do you think people see you?
C. I have no idea how people see me and I don’t really mind because I got to see myself for things I think are best for me.  I don’t really mind how people see me. I really mind how my family sees me but people not related to me, I don’t care.
Mine How do you see yourself?
C. I see myself as a good person. I am on the right path I may sometimes be let’s say well you know when you get to that question I may get to that question…
Mine. Maybe I won’t. Give it to me.
C. About family related. I may argue with my Mom. Like, I recognize that is the only bad thing I have, besides that, I am good.
Mine Ok.  But, I lot of times that is pretty normal during adolescence years.
Mine You know most adolescents argue with their parents
C. So, if that is not included, then I see myself as a good person.
Mine It is not included; but it is included in the sense that everyone seems to go through that phase and it does not mean that you are a bad person.
C. Ok. So the question was…how I see myself.  I see myself as a normal regular person that wants to succeed like everyone else in this world.
Mine Are you ambitious?
C. Yes, pretty ambitious.   Not in a bad way though.
Mine No, in a good way.

The underlined part #1.

 Adolescent want  to do the right thing but they are not doing it the right way. (rhetoric).  Sending the wrong message about themselves through their actions. (literature)  He wanst an education and thinks he is taking the right approach.  a. ambitious in a good way. b. I see myself as a normal regular person that wants to succeed like everyone else in this world. c.I have no idea how people see me and I dont really mind because I go tto see myself for the things I think are best for me.  I don't really mind how people see me.  I really mind how my family sees me but people not related to me, I don't care. d.  1. school choice, 2. not sticking to the plan 3. drinking 4. arguing(direspect). I had asked Chachi how he sees himself.  He stated that he sees himself as a good person who is on the right path.  By, this he meant, that he is pursuing higher educational achievements.  The path he has taken is however, nothing but a substandard pathway. First, the young man is 19 years old and has not graduated from High School.  He could have attended High School, but instead he elected to attend a Vocational School.  His enrollment at this school reflects a lack of seriousness about his studies since the teaching is a step down from a High School education.  A Vocational School does not measure up in high educational goals. To obtain a college education, a High School education is most appropriate because that edification prepares us for college work.  I got the impression that he lie at various instances of the interview.  He said, "I see myself as a normal regular person that wants to succeed like everyone else in this world".  Yets, his behavior in school, is not aligned with his stated desire. In school, he fails to comply with the school policies. For example, as an automobile class member, he did not wear the class required clothes attire.  Because he did not comply with the class requirement, he was expelled from that class. A student who is committed to succeed does not rebel against the well intended practice of the school.  Another class that did not go well for him was a culinary class.  He had been excited to take part in this class, but ended excluded as well.  In this culinary class, the teacher gives students cleaning duties before they are taught cooking aspects; however, he expected to learn to cook right away.  He did not like going to cooking class to clean.  He felt it was a waste of time. His action reflects an unwilling to start at the bottom and make his way up. Starting at the bottom is normally what a person has to do to earn success.  He gave the good things about himself as he sees them.  But, he also gave a clue. He said, "I may argue with my Mom" that and that this is the only thing he does that's inappropriate about him.  Here, he took a defensive mode.  Since no one had attacked him, it appeared that he took a defensive position which means that he is guilty and this a fallacy of his.  He thinks that arguing with his mom is not too significant.  My guess is that he compares his action to that of others around him so by which his actions are well represented in comparison. The tone of his voice was also very defensive here.  While he may be the person doing the best work to achieve or change of course of his circumtances; he has to really do a better job at setting himself about from the crowd.  Success takes drastic changes and sacrifices in the choices we make because rarely anything comes by luck or in a easy manner. In my opinion, an adolescent arguing with his parents is plain disrespectful and should not be practiced.  When in disagreements, the child should speak to the mother about how he feels. But, he should not approach his mother with a harsh tone of voice or in confrontational manner.  A mother in her rightful status deserves respect as she is the head of the home.  She pays the bills and buys the groceries without money contribution from her kids.  During the interview there are many times that Chachi did not want to speak about past major conflicts he had with his mother.  He refused to give examples of instances when he made her upset.  Withholding information is his way of hiding truth. At one point, major misconducts were left out because he did want to talk about what brought the conflict. 

What we have here is an adolescent who thinks he doing the right things to make it in this world but is unwared that he is reflecting a negative image of himself and he does not care.
Mine What school do you go to?
C. Piscataway Vocational School
Mine Where is that?
Mine In Piscataway
Mine Wait, how come you don’t go to New Brunswick High school?
C. I don’t go to that school, because Piscataway Vocational School trains you for a specific skill and recommend you for a job that pays minimum $15 hourly.
Mine Did you pick that school?  How come you did not go to New Brunswick High School for example?
C. First reason, my Mom did not want me to go there and at first I wanted to go but then I said no.
C.I am not going to go there. I rather go to Piscataway Vocational School because that is the best choice. At that school, I can pick my main career and from there after I am done with school,
I choose Vocational Tech School because it is the best option for me.  I choose three careers.
 Automobile-got excluded because I did not want to wear the attire.
 barber- was for females so I exclude myself.
Culinary Arts. I did not want to do just cleaning and that all I seem to be doing.  So, the teacher also excluded me out.
Computer-last option.
Mine Because my Mom did not want me to go there.
Mine Why
C. Because of the problem, fight, family member problems and I would be getting confused as of my family member.
Mine Ok.

Underlined question and answer

Mine What is like living with your Mom?
C.I don’t feel uncomfortable.
Mine Tell me the Good and Bad
C.Good-she has done a lot for us. Bad-she fights too much. She argues over anything. Besides that she is fine. She is still my Mom though.
Mine Of Course! She is your Mom and you love her no matter what.
Mine But, we cannot deny that at times we do wish it was better such as if she could change a bit.
Mine If there was something, you would change about her, what would it be?
C.I don’t have the power to change her; only God can change her but if I did I would make her into a person who argues less. Don’t argue and if you do don’t argue as much as you do because this is beyond normal level.
Mine What does she argue about?
C. Little things. Big things. About anything.  For example, she would argue about a dish I did not promptly take to the kitchen after eating.
He said, I am already feeling uncomfortable.

This area state that his mom does argue but that he feels alright living at home.


Mine It doesn’t have to be out to party.  It can be just leaving the house to the park.
C. Well, if when I have the resources, the money and the things I like to stay home have a drink
Mine Do you drink alcohol?
C. Yea!
Mine Have you gotten drunk?
C. Not drunk drunk!
Mine How many times you have gotten drunk?
C.I don’t know.
Mine A lot! Like five? More,
C. Maybe 10? I don’t know.
Mine How bad have you gotten drunk?
C.Not over drunk. I can control myself; I know what I am doing. Like I go to the bathroom where I am away from people, I am walking dizzy in the bathroom and when I get out I play it off.  People don’t notice because they are drunk themselves. Not super drunk. I have thrown up in the bathroom but I know how to do things. I play things off.  I know how to do things.  If I know that I am drunk, I would just be with a beer and no one would notice.
Mine What places you have gotten drunk at?
C.I don’t drink that way when I go out.  But, at home yea. At home in the house
Mine Do you have a driver’s license?
C. No, I am working on getting a permit.
Mine What does your mother says about you drinking?
C. She always says don’t be drinking too much.
Mine She yells?
C.Yea, but there she has the right to. Because I know she worries. Is like me.  I be telling her don’t drink too much.  Even I tell her don’t drink too much at times.
Mine Can you give examples or situations of when she got upset at you?
Did not want to provide example of when she got upset at him? (d)
Did not want to provide example of a situation when Mom approached him in a wrong way or upset. (d)
Mine Can you give me one? Declined (d)
C.Can you give her one? (Speaking to his brother).
In this data I inquired about his social life

blog 21 sections of my data transcript


Mine On that note, how do you think people see you?

C. I have no idea how people see me and I don’t really mind because I got to see myself for things I think are best for me.  I don’t really mind how people see me. I really mind how my family sees me but people not related to me, I don’t care.
Mine How do you see yourself?
C. I see myself as a good person. I am on the right path I may sometimes be let’s say well you know when you get to that question I may get to that question…
Maybe I won’t. Give it to me.
Mine About family related. I may argue with my Mom. Like, I recognize that is the only bad thing I have, besides that, I am good.
Mine Ok.  But, I lot of times that is pretty normal during adolescence years.
Mine You know most adolescents argue with their parents
C. So, if that is not included, then I see myself as a good person.
Mine It is not included; but it is included in the sense that everyone seems to go through that phase and it does not mean that you are a bad person.
C. Ok. So the question was…how I see myself.  I see myself as a normal regular person that wants to succeed like everyone else in this world.
Mine Are you ambitious?
C. Yes, pretty ambitious.   Not in a bad way though.

Mine No, in a good way.


Mine What school do you go to?
C. Piscataway Vocational School
Mine Where is that?
Mine In Piscataway
Mine Wait, how come you don’t go to New Brunswick High school?
C. I don’t go to that school, because Piscataway Vocational School trains you for a specific skill and recommend you for a job that pays minimum $15 hourly.
Mine Did you pick that school?  How come you did not go to New Brunswick High School for example?
C. First reason, my Mom did not want me to go there and at first I wanted to go but then I said no.
C.I am not going to go there. I rather go to Piscataway Vocational School because that is the best choice. At that school, I can pick my main career and from there after I am done with school,
I choose Vocational Tech School because it is the best option for me.  I choose three careers.
 Automobile-got excluded because I did not want to wear the attire.
 barber- was for females so I exclude myself.
Culinary Arts. I did not want to do just cleaning and that all I seem to be doing.  So, the teacher also excluded me out.
Computer-last option.
Mine Because my Mom did not want me to go there.
Mine Why
C. Because of the problem, fight, family member problems and I would be getting confused as of my family member.
Mine Ok.


Mine What is like living with your Mom?
C.I don’t feel uncomfortable.
Mine Tell me the Good and Bad
C.Good-she has done a lot for us. Bad-she fights too much. She argues over anything. Besides that she is fine. She is still my Mom though.
Mine Of Course! She is your Mom and you love her no matter what.
Mine But, we cannot deny that at times we do wish it was better such as if she could change a bit.
Mine If there was something, you would change about her, what would it be?
C.I don’t have the power to change her; only God can change her but if I did I would make her into a person who argues less. Don’t argue and if you do don’t argue as much as you do because this is beyond normal level.
Mine What does she argue about?
C. Little things. Big things. About anything.  For example, she would argue about a dish I did not promptly take to the kitchen after eating.
He said, I am already feeling uncomfortable.


Mine It doesn’t have to be out to party.  It can be just leaving the house to the park.
C. Well, if when I have the resources, the money and the things I like to stay home have a drink
Mine Do you drink alcohol?
C. Yea!
Mine Have you gotten drunk?
C. Not drunk not drunk
Mine How many times you have gotten drunk?
C.I don’t know.
Mine A lot! Like five? More,
C. Maybe 10? I don’t know.
Mine How bad have you gotten drunk?
C.Not overdrunk. I can control myself; I know what I am doing. Like I go to the bathroom where I am away from people, I am walking dizzy in the bathroom and when I get out I play it off.  People don’t notice because they are drunk themselves. Not super drunk. I have thrown up in the bathroom but I know how to do things. I play things off.  I know how to do things.  If I know that I am drunk, I would just be with a beer and no one would notice.
Mine What places you have gotten drunk at?
C.I don’t drink that way when I go out.  But, at home yea. At home in the house
Mine Do you have a driver’s license?
C. No, I am working on getting a permit.
Mine What does your mother says about you drinking?
C. She always says don’t be drinking too much.
Mine She yells?
C.Yea, but there she has the right too. Because I know she worries. Is like me.  I be telling her don’t drink too much.  Even I tell her don’t drink too much at times.
Mine Can you give examples or situations of when she got upset at you?
Did not want to provide example of when she got upset at him? (d)
Did not want to provide example of a situation when Mom approached him in a wrong way or upset. (d)
Mine Can you give me one? Declined (d)
C.Can you give her one? (Speaking to his brother).

blog 19: The strength of my research project

I have collected enough data for my research plan.  The interesting fact is that my research will be the the choice I made months ago and had since deviated from that research question.  What keeps popping out on my data is something different from what I went to investigate. The data finding took me to having to change the big issue or focus of the research instead.  During the interview, I heavily kept asking questions pertaining to the intended research, but the conversation kept showing something else and a little unexpected.  I did not get the information I was expecting to find; but regardless my finding are within the topic.  I am excited.  In transferring  data from the recorder to paper, I realized that I have great material to work with. This topic is also the perfect match to work with previous selected references and prior research finding.  I still have educate myself more on prior research finding and references but I do have prior knowledge on the topic so I will soon do that. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

blog 18 developing my writing and references

 1. Journal of Youth Studies:  Damned if they do, damned if they don't: negotiating the ricky context of anti-social behavior and keeping safe in disadvantage urban neighborhoods.

2. Journal of Adolescence:  Moral identity and psychological distance: The case of adolescent parental socialization. 

I am reading the above journals to educate myself further on relevant subjects area. I believe this will help me formulate my ideas and lead me to my research study. My research subject is very broad right now but I think through reading different material, I will be able to choose a more precise direct area of research.

3.  Losing Generations: Adolescents in High-Risk Settings. Authors:Panel on High-Risk Youth, National Research Council
Authoring Organizations

This penetrating book argues that the problems of troubled youths cannot be separated from the settings in which they live and that, consequently, many of our youth programs are failing. It addresses how the decline in economic security for working parents affects their children's life chances; how changes in household structure and the possibilities of violence threaten adolescents' development; how the decline of neighborhoods robs children of a safe environment; and how adolescents' health needs go unmet in the current system.
The purpose of reading this type book subject is to find information to my hypothesis in that adolescent are exposed to risks that could very well be mitigated through various mean.