Tuesday, February 19, 2013

blog 8 updated research plan

The type of language and the way we use it creates things.  For my research project, I plan to do a case study of an adolecent view of how language usage create his environment at home?.  I plan to find out how language affects the adolescence relationship with parents.

What image is important to adolecents?
What are adolecents trying to create of themselves through language?
What are some of factors affecting the way adolescent communicate with parents?
What language features could adolescents change to present a good image?
Which language features are negatively affecting their image?
What type of language affect their image in a positive way?
What type of language affects them in a negative way?

To conduct this investigation, I plan to do a home environment observation.  I also plan to interview an adolescent of that environment.  I will also interview the parent to see how she receives and perceives communication.  To carry this out, I also must read previous writen works related to my topic.  The ones I read so far were not too helpful.  They are not exactly what I am seeking.  However, I am confident I will find good material as I continue my research in the next few days.  In spite of this, the following journals provided certain relevant information.  I observed that these journals are more relevant to neighborhood environment and less to the home invironment which is the source I plan to investigate.  Juvenile delinquencies in our neighborhoods can be prevented or reduced if the right parental involment existed.  Therefore, my focus is at home where there is more control on the outcomes resulting from the choices we make in our lifes.

1. Journal of Youth Studies:  Damned if they do, damned if they dont: negotiating the ricky context of anti-social behavior and keeping safe in disadvantage urban neighbourhoods.

2. Journal of Adolescence:  Moral identity and psychological distance: The case of adolescent parental socialization. 

I am reading the above journals to educate myself further on relevant subjects area. I believe this will help me formulate my ideas and lead me to my research study. My research subject is very broad right now but I think through reading different material, I will be able to choose a more precise direct area of research.

3.  Losing Generations: Adolescents in High-Risk Settings. Authors:Panel on High-Risk Youth, National Research Council
Authoring Organizations

This penetrating book argues that the problems of troubled youths cannot be separated from the settings in which they live and that, consequently, many of our youth programs are failing. It addresses how the decline in economic security for working parents affects their children's life chances; how changes in household structure and the possibilities of violence threaten adolescents' development; how the decline of neighborhoods robs children of a safe environment; and how adolescents' health needs go unmet in the current system.
The purpose of reading this type book subject is to find information to my hypothesis in that adolescent are exposed to risks that could very well be mitigated through various mean.

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